
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

'fabric' Jesus

I sewed this representation of Jesus on the cross over 30 years ago on an old black vintage Singer sewing machine.  Was amazed how well it came out.  It was a perfect travel crucifix and always accompanied me where ever my suitcase went.  Rog took my suitcase for his most recent airplane trip and spent the entire day at the airport.  His airplane never arrived to pick him up causing him to miss his connecting flight out of Philly.  He returned home the very same day.  He had taken Jesus out of the suitcase and left him on the dresser.  I returned Jesus to his suitcase and Rog set off again.  The 1st leg of his trip was uneventful and took off right on time.  'Chaos' tried messing with the 2nd leg and I received 2 automated calls from the airline informing me that the 2nd leg would be detained from 3:45 p.m. to 4:44 p.m. and then to 5:24 p.m. due to maintenance issues from a prior flight.  And then the 3rd call came saying that the flight had returned to its original take-off time (and eventually landed prior to the original estimated landing time).  Ya don’t mess with Jesus!  I don’t mess with Jesus!  'Chaos' tried but Jesus won!  Rog calls him ‘fabric Jesus’ and you can believe what you want ...
But I won’t ever fly without Him!  Prayer helps too!

thank you Jesus!


thx for the note! i do appreciate your time!