
Friday, January 6, 2012

for me ... PPF #43

... bought these sweet vintage sock stretchers in New Hampshire at a consignment shop just before Christmas 2010 (was visiting my sister's home on moose mountain).  The puppy chewed the toe of one of the stretchers which I sanded down and you can barely tell it was a teething toy.  Painted the below words quite some time ago ...

finished the 2nd sock this week
(a tad late for Christmas ... but DONE)

 Peace On Earth Good Will Toward Men
Luke 2:14

They'd fit well hanging by the chimney with care, but I don't have a fire place ... and they are not perfect ... didn't plan my letters well on the 2nd sock ... see how I have to squeeze in the word 'men' in the toe.  Poor planning on my part ... although I am too much of a perfectionist, there is a special place in my heart for things that are not perfect.  They will decorate my Christmas home for years to come.  Now go visit Paint Part Friday, it's a new year, there's new incredible stuff there, new inspiration, new artists, new pieces from old artists ... just go visit and see!


  1. What a great idea! Very clever. They will surely be a great decoration to bring out every year. Happy New Year!

  2. I've never seen sock stretchers before, I think these turned out really cute. I have a huge soft spot in my heart for not perfect stuff, but I had to second look to see what you meant- I think they are fun.

  3. How organised are you that you are preparing for Christmas 2012... you aren't late... just super organised... they look wonderful and I am sure will make a welcome addition come December... happy ppf xx

  4. i'd never see sock stretchers before! i love that your puppy chewed the toe-they do have a habit of chewing everything they can get their little mouths around, don't they! still, you rescued it well and i think they make lovely decorations!

  5. What original socks!!! Great job!!

  6. Wonderful idea and so special for your home. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  7. Love the stockings. I don't think I've ever made anything that was perfect. Imperfection seems to be my thing. :^)

  8. These make the greatest decorations. I know you are glad to have them finished. I love "less than perfect" decorations for the holidays, it's such fun to bring them out year after year.

  9. what a great idea, my mum had these, beautiful!

  10. So wonderful!
    Thank you for sharing.

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  11. Just in time for little Christmas (today)!

  12. Your sock stretchers are just awesome. Great decorations. Dogs do have a way of chewing things, tee hee. In any event, your work is fantastic. Thanks for sharing. Happy PPF!

  13. What a fun project. I enjoy these decorations, don't forget where you put them now. :) Blessings, Janet PPF

  14. Hi Ger!
    I think they are really cool and I am glad to see that I am not the only one working on Christmas things still! Have a happy New Year! love, bertie

  15. Chimney or not, these are unique & stunning decorations to hang in your home! I imagine these will become family heirlooms.

  16. You just got a head-start on Christmas 2012 :) They look great, very original, and I love the verse you chose to paint on them.

  17. DOn't you love it, when the dogs go nutty? hehehe You fixed it perfect!
    I have seen them! Beautiful cats! Happy new year and PPF!

  18. Very creative and festive ~ Love them ~ ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  19. Very clever and creative too!
    Happy PPF!
    Sheri Cook/HappyHorseStudio

  20. These make me smile just looking at them (I never would have even noticed the squeezing of "men" if you hadn't shared that... They look great to me!) You always paint on the most interesting surfaces :)


  21. How beautiful and perfect for Christmas! Only problem is Santa can't stuff them!

  22. Very cool!!!Never saw a sock stretcher before, great idea! Happy 2012!

  23. These are just too perfect for Christmas. Nice, very nice

  24. Such adorable Christmas decoration...and you are so right - they would look darling along the fireplace. :) Happy PPF!

  25. these are beautiful and i love that they are

  26. Very know you always have to "fit men in"! They just don't fit well in all places. LOL I like all the curly "q's" at the top.


thx for the note! i do appreciate your time!