
Friday, September 23, 2011

ETSY shop and PPF #28

FINALLY added some items to my ETSY shop this past week. Pretty exciting ... I'm in two circles (whatever that means) ... guess I have a long way to go! It was on my 'to-do' list and although I have more pieces to list, I can say I did it! We'll see what happens. Worked on a 'Thank YOU' gift that involved some painting this week, but don't have any pictures available at the moment. I so love creating presents and fund raiser pieces!

I'm heading over to Paint Party Friday to see what's happening there today ... want to join me?


  1. Wishing you well with your new pieces and look forward to seeing your new painting. Happy PPF, xx

  2. Glad you got some stuff on Etsy...I will have to check it out! :-)

  3. glad you are doing well with your etsy mine has been stagnant to absolutely disappointing..I may give it up soon. but I wish you well with yours
    - KAT -

  4. Will have to stop by your Etsy shop and check out your newest additions! POP ART MINIS

  5. Good luck with etsy. Hope it does very well for you.

  6. Good luck with your Etsy shop. I did mention today on the Paint Party Friday poll question where I sell and how I invested in the new book "Starting an Etsy Business for Dummies". Just received the book and will try to get some read over the weekend and will definitely mention next week some pointers I think may help us make some sales. Good luck on yours. I will try to pop on over to your shop and fav you.
    Look forward to your new painting for next week.

  7. Good Luck in your Etsy shop! I'd be happy to put you in my circle, there's a link to my Etsy on my blog page

    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  8. Going to check out the new additions to your Etsy shop!

    Need to photograph more of my handmade collage cards this weekend to add to mine! Thanks for inspiring and motivating me with your post! :)

  9. THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for the shout out and link back to my page!

  10. Welcome to Etsy! The best part for me is meeting lots of bloggy friends like here on PPF! I'll go put ya in my circle! Deb

  11. Congratulations on your etsy shop! Hooray!!! (Perfect timing for this week's PPF poll! hee hee)


  12. Funky artwork! I like what you've done on your Etsy shop site...inspiring all for the upcoming season!

  13. Good luck with the sale ...Saludos

  14. Bought two Halloween pieces, gourds, and I love them. Good luck on your Etsy sales.

  15. Good luck with your Etsy shop. Happy PPF!

  16. Congrats on your shop and good luck! I have that on my list as well


thx for the note! i do appreciate your time!