
Friday, May 27, 2011

Paint Party Friday #11 & what will you be?

so here is my finished piece (my 2nd attempt at mixed media collage, i learned a lot, but boy do i have a lot to learn) ... maybe i should have taken a class ... i call it "what will you be?", it's sort of a mixed media self portrait little story. That's me in the pink dress (my legs haven't changed a bit). I'm pushing a vintage carriage with 2.5 children (my 2 boys and me), there is a picket fence and a dog and a cat. That's my mom on the right in the vintage pic of the 3 little girls ... she wanted to be a nurse (my grandpa wanted her to be a teacher), she was an incredible R.N. and her patients loved her! That's my dad and my aunt when they were kids in the upper right hand pic, he wanted to be a priest ... well obviously he changed his mind ...

my clouds are old sheet music from the song, "Prayer for Peace", because PEACE would be awesome. I added some dried pressed flowers, because flowers are fun.
and more words from sheet music ... because they worked with what was going on.
it's pretty busy and the ink that i used (which was supposed to be waterproof and permanent) for the stamped letters ran when I finished the piece with Gel Medium ... maybe I didn't wait long enough.

the edge

well back to the drawing board!

Maddy Rose:

Thank you for my Versatile Blogger Award! I appreciate your faith in me :) SEVEN things about me .... hmmm ... since I was a little girl, I always wanted 2.5 kids and a cat and a dog and a picket fence (my mom made me get married 1st). I've been a foster mom to at least 50 babies (baby squirrels, mice and woodchucks that is, my husband is a wildlife rehabber). I love the beach and Christmas. I say my prayers everyday. I wanted to be a ballerina ... but that didn't happen. I love to repurpose articles destined for the dump. And last but not least, wish I had baby chicks and ducklings like Anne at my giant strawberry!
passing this Versatile Blogger Award on to Anne, Kerri, Collette, Gloria and Mary ... check out their blogs ... they ARE (versatile bloggers) and very talented! Thx again Maddy Rose!

So there ya go ... enough about me .... what will you be?


  1. This is lovely and I love the story behind each person on there - so very personal to you and a lovely thing to have created of your family. It is amazing how what we think we'll be is so often very different from what we end up being. I wanted to be a vet until I knew I'd have to put animals to sleep as well as save them. I am still passionate about animals but they feature more in my art work and my interests than in my paid employment (I never ever thought I'd end up being a secretary doing the 9-5 but life happens i guess!)

  2. Your collage turned out quite lovely. I like that it's a about your family. The picture of the three little girls reminds me of my sisters and me when we were little. I wanted to do an arial or tight rope act in the circus. Don't know why I didn't follow that dream. Have a great weekend. And by the way, you did great with the award. Hugs

  3. I like your creation and the story behind it. HAPPY PPF!

  4. This is just wonderful, even more so because you used photos of yourself and your family. I don't think you need a collage class at all.

  5. Lovely piece. I think it is a great collage, you are doing great. Happy PPF!

  6. this is lovely,, happy PPF!

  7. This is lovely! What a great mixed media collage for your 2nd time. Love the story behind it. Happy PPF!
    Keep creating! Theresa

  8. A very special collage, love it and the stories. Happy PPF, Annette x

  9. A beautiful and very meaningful collage! Great job! And so nice to learn more about you.

  10. what a beautiful collage!!! Happy PPF!

  11. how wonderful that you made a collage out of loved ones, so very charming.

  12. I love story telling collage. Happy PPF!

  13. This is such a meaningful collage! It is great to learn more about you through your art and through your award :)


  14. NO class needed. I can't remember if I pointed you in the direction of if I already have sorry. its co I just love it.

  15. Wow, did you say 2nd attempt, it came together so well& great to learn a little more about our PPF friends :)

  16. I love how your collage turned out and the stories behind all of this. It's lovely! I still think the music clouds are superb.

  17. Oooh! Thanks so much for the award! I think you're awesome, too! :) The ducklings and chicks are still so much fun!

    Great to learn a little more about you today! And I think your collage looks wonderful! It seems to be such a meaningful piece for you, too!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  18. Collages can be such a personal expression - and you clearly have a connection to each item used. The family pics are a great way to showcase memories and playing the the various scales is really whimsical and fun.

  19. A beautiful and personal piece. Dxx

  20. Oh, I just love this, it makes me smile! A piece to hang on to and pass on to your children for sure.

  21. I LOVE memory art. It's so personal and beautiful. You did a fantastic job with your piece! I really like it. I had an ink running problem with week too - nothing that Archival UV Spray Varnish won't fix. Try spraying your ink before you gel. It looks great either way though!!

  22. I really like your collage, how personal it will be an heirloom ☺


thx for the note! i do appreciate your time!